5 Reasons Why You Should Still Conduct Regular Tire Inspections Even If You Have "Discolor Tires"


One of the newer innovations available for pneumatic tires involves a simple concept that will allow you to easily see when your tires are worn to the point when they will need to be replaced. These tires are traditional black to begin with, but when the tread depth becomes too low, a bright color such as orange is revealed. This way, a user can easily see with a mere glance whether their tires need to be replaced. Discolor Tires may be required by law in the future, as they can increase the safety of people on the road by ensuring that drivers know when their tires need to be replaced. 

However, if you purchase Discolor Tires, this doesn't mean it's okay to skip a regular visual inspection of your tires. Although Discolor Tires will show normal tread wear, they will not show other things that you should be looking for during monthly tire inspections.

1. Discolor Tires Do Not Show Tire Pressure Issues 

If your tires are regularly over-inflated, you will notice that your tires wear more in the center of the tire, and if they are under-inflated, they will tend to wear on the sides as opposed to the center. If you notice either of these wear patterns, you can usually correct the situation by inflating your tires to the recommended tire pressure. This will extend the life of your tires, allowing you to use them longer. However, if you wait for discoloration to occur before noticing this problem, it will be too late to adjust the air pressure and fix the tread wear. 

2. Discolor Tires Do Not Show Dry Rot 

Dry rot is visible as tiny cracks throughout your tire, usually on the tread and the walls. If your tires suffer from extensive dry rot, then you risk the rubber separating from the tires when you are driving at high speeds. Discolor Tires may show dry rot when chunks of rubber are torn away from your tire. However, it will not be easily visible from a distance if the dry rot simply shows up as cracks in your rubber, making it important for you to complete a close visual inspection of the tires. 

3. Discolor Tires Do Not Show Internal Tire Damage 

Internal tire damage often has external signs, such as small bulges in the tire, especially around the tire wall. Since the damage is inside the tire, no rubber will be removed, meaning the tire will not discolor. You should continue to regularly check for bulges in your tires. 

4. Discolor Tires May Not Show Uneven Tread Wear 

Inadequate tire rotation, poor alignment, and low-quality tires can all cause various types of uneven tread wear. If you notice scalloping, cupping, or one-side wear before the tire's tread is worn to the point of discoloring, then there is a good chance that you can fix the problem causing the uneven wear and continue using your tires safely. 

5. Discolor Tires Do Not Show When a Foreign Object Is Embedded in the Tire 

If an object, such as a screw or nail, has been embedded in your tire, it is important that you get it removed immediately and have your tire patched before you drive on it. Driving with an embedded object can cause a tire blowout. A close visual inspection will allow you to notice any embedded objects. 

You can complete a quick visual inspection of your tires by simply getting in the habit of walking around your car once a day and glancing at your tires for cracks, bulges, and foreign objects. However, at least once a month you should also complete a more thorough visual inspection and check your tire pressure. Although Discoloring Tires can help keep you safe if you forget an inspection, they should not completely replace your personal inspections. 

If you need tire repair, contact an establishment like Evans Tire & Service Centers.


4 May 2016

Maintaining Your Vehicle

After dealing with car repair after car repair, I started thinking about ways that I could prevent future problems. I started taking my car in for regular tune-ups, focusing on things like tire rotations and never forgetting an oil change. I also kept careful records that helped me to track my vehicle's performance. This blog is all about maintaining your vehicle as efficiently as possible, so that you might be able to save money and prevent issues in the future. After all, who has time and money to get their car fixed constantly? Thanks for reading our blog and have an awesome day!